North Korea crisis tops agenda at key Trump summit with China’s Xi

North Korea crisis tops agenda at key Trump summit with China’s Xi

by WorldTribune Staff, April 3, 2017 As pro-China lobbyists geared up for this week’s critical summit in south Florida, the White House weighed in as well. President Donald Trump said in an interview that the U.S. will solve the North Korea problem on its own if China does not reign in the rogue Kim Jong-Un […]

North Korean double whammy: Regime claims body of Kim’s assassinated sibling rival, hails arrest in Seoul

North Korean double whammy: Regime claims body of Kim’s assassinated sibling rival, hails arrest in Seoul

by WorldTribune Staff, March 31, 2017 On the same day that Malaysia released the body of North Korean dicator Kim Jong-Un’s half-brother and top surviving rival, Kim Jong-Nam, South Korea announced the arrest of impeached South Korean President Park Geun-Hye. The dual news sensations were cause for celebration in Pyongyang. North Korea reached a deal […]

Mattis warns North Korean recklessness ‘has got to be stopped’

Mattis warns North Korean recklessness ‘has got to be stopped’

by WorldTribune Staff, March 31, 2017 Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on March 31 continued to press the harder line taken by the Trump administration on North Korea. “Right now, [North Korea] appears to be going in a very reckless manner … and that has got to be stopped,” Mattis said at a press conference in […]

Profiles in Korean corruption: First female president may be seen later as tragic figure

Profiles in Korean corruption: First female president may be seen later as tragic figure

Special to By Donald Kirk The prospect of Park Geun-Hye going to jail in the most sweeping political scandal in modern Korean history inspires invidious comparisons. Who, actually, was the most corrupt president since promulgation of the “democracy constitution” in 1987 at the height of demonstrations as massive as those we have witnessed in […]

Report: China finalizing militarization of artificial islands

Report: China finalizing militarization of artificial islands

by WorldTribune Staff, March 28, 2017 China is close to completing a major infrastructure project on several artificial islands that will enable it to deploy warplanes that would be able to operate over nearly the entire South China Sea, a Washington-based think tank said. The Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI), part of Washington’s Center for […]

In epic fight to be top U.S. foe, China still claims victory, despite upstart Putin’s multiple triumphs

In epic fight to be top U.S. foe, China still claims victory, despite upstart Putin’s multiple triumphs

Special to by Miles Maochun Yu, Hoover Institution,, March 28, 2017 The cadres of the global commentariat often discuss the intricate relationships among the world’s most meaningful triumvirate, namely the United States, Russia, and China. Less often analyzed, however, are the very potent and peculiar interactions between Moscow and Beijing. It is the ghost […]

China’s vice premier hails ‘unstoppable momentum’ of globalization

China’s vice premier hails ‘unstoppable momentum’ of globalization

by WorldTribune Staff, March 26, 2017 Globalization will continue to move forward, but nations still must respect one another’s “core interests,” the leader responsible for overseeing China’s economic policy said on March 25. “The river of globalization and free trade will always move forward with unstoppable momentum to the vast ocean of the global economy,” […]

Cognitive dissonance in Seoul over the waving of American flags

Cognitive dissonance in Seoul over the waving of American flags

Special to By Donald Kirk The sight of the American Stars and Stripes among the Taegukgi held high by loyalists to Park Geun-Hye is a reminder of the historical depth of ties among mostly aging Koreans to the country that rescued the South from annihilation by North Korea and China in the Korean War. […]

Angered by media bias, older Koreans emerge as new, pro-U.S. political force

Angered by media bias, older Koreans emerge as new, pro-U.S. political force

by WorldTribune Staff, March 23, 2017 Impeached President Park Geun-Hye was a victim of “mob justice” fueled by an antagonistic liberal media in South Korea, Park’s supporters say. “Socrates was put to death, and Jesus crucified, in mob trials,” one of Park’s lawyer, Seo Seok-Gu, told the Constitutional Court, denouncing the National Assembly’s vote to […]

Was Kim Jong-Un behind last year’s biggest bank heist ever?

Was Kim Jong-Un behind last year’s biggest bank heist ever?

by WorldTribune Staff, March 23, 2017 The FBI suspects North Korea, assisted by Chinese middlemen, stole $81 million last year from the Bangladesh central bank’s account at the Federal Reserve in New York. U.S. federal prosecutors are reportedly building a case implicating Kim Jong-Un’s government in what may be one of the largest bank heists […]

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