Meanwhile, in Mexico, the murder rate set records but compared to Venezuela it’s a safe haven

Meanwhile, in Mexico, the murder rate set records but compared to Venezuela it’s a safe haven

Special to By Allan Wall The arrival of a new year is accompanied by new murder statistics from the previous year in Mexico. It is a grisly tally, to be sure. One can always hope it will be lower than the previous year. Sadly, that didn’t occur this past year. As reported by CNN, […]

Venezuela’s upheaval making waves as far North as Mexico

Venezuela’s upheaval making waves as far North as Mexico

Special to By Allan Wall Venezuela, in South America, is a beautiful country and rich in natural resources, possessing the world’s largest known oil reserves. For many years it was a stable country, but the past several decades have brought it to disaster. The economy is in shambles, with a drastic shortage of consumer […]