The strange death of Hawaii’s Department of Health Director, Loretta Fuddy

The strange death of Hawaii’s Department of Health Director, Loretta Fuddy

Special to By Grace Vuoto The controversy swirling around President Obama’s birth certificate simply will not die. Take a recent plane crash in Hawaii. Some facts are so striking they require further examination. On Dec. 11, 2013 a small plane in Hawaii on a routine flight in the middle of the day, taking off […]

The Left censors Christian language and concepts that defined a great culture

The Left censors Christian language and concepts that defined a great culture

Special to By Grace Vuoto President Barack Obama and his wife consistently advance the liberal project to dismantle our Christian identity. On Nov. 5, First Lady Michelle Obama declared that by celebrating Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights, she and the president are truly making the White House “the people’s house,” by which they […]

One thing Obama is good at is changing the subject

One thing Obama is good at is changing the subject

Special to By Grace Vuoto President Barack Obama has been embroiled in multiple, crippling scandals since the start of his second term. Consider: Benghazi, snooping on Associated Press reporters, the Justice Department’s surveillance of Fox News reporter James Rosen, IRS abuses, investigation into the death of Navy SEAL Team Six, the implosion of Obamacare […]

Violating my children with your free expression: A new doctrine of cultural rights

Violating my children with your free expression: A new doctrine of cultural rights

Special to By Grace Vuoto A mother, father and two children are at an Awards ceremony. Suddenly, a performer on stage makes gestures that are so lewd the whole family stares in open-mouthed shock. In the blink of an eye, the children’s rights have been assaulted. The parents are disgusted. But it is too […]

Time for a Christian exodus from a failed Republican Party

Time for a Christian exodus from a failed Republican Party

Special to By Grace Vuoto It is time for Christians, and those of other faiths who value this nation’s unique character, to leave the Republican Party and start their very own political organization. For decades, the Christian alliance with the GOP has failed to roll back or even mildly halt the relentless advance of […]

Miley Cyrus’ Dad traded a happy family for the celebrity culture’s big lie

Miley Cyrus’ Dad traded a happy family for the celebrity culture’s big lie

Special to By Grace Vuoto Former star of Hannah Montana and Disney sweetheart Miley Cyrus has now joined the long list of “good girls gone bad,” as the colloquialism goes. Her latest music video, “We Can’t Stop” is soaring to the top of the charts, despite the fact that it is grotesque, promotes promiscuity […]

Two years later, Congress to investigate the crash that killed members of SEAL Team Six

Two years later, Congress to investigate the crash that killed members of SEAL Team Six

Special to By Grace Vuoto At last, there will be a congressional inquiry into the strange circumstances surrounding the fatal helicopter crash in Afghanistan in August 2011, which resulted in the deaths of 30 American service members and 8 Afghans, including elite troops from Navy SEAL Team Six, the contingent who killed Osama bin […]

Forensic findings on Obama’s birth certificate: ‘A 100 percent forgery, no doubt about it’

Forensic findings on Obama’s birth certificate: ‘A 100 percent forgery, no doubt about it’

Special to By Grace Vuoto There is a problem with President Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate: It’s a forgery, say multiple forensic experts who have examined it. A report detailing the evidence will soon be presented to Congress. On April 27, 2011 the White House released Mr. Obama’s long-form birth certificate in an attempt […]

We the people have allowed a Big Brother-Internet monolith to usurp our freedom

We the people have allowed a Big Brother-Internet monolith to usurp our freedom

Special to By Grace Vuoto For centuries, in every society around the world, citizens have by and large believed that a higher power watches their every move. “The eyes of God see all,” goes the Christian saying. Yet, for a brief moment in time, from the dawn of the widespread use of the Internet […]

Forgettable fathers: Tribute to a wise teacher of life lessons

Forgettable fathers: Tribute to a wise teacher of life lessons

Special to By Grace Vuoto Fathers are like the pillars of a bridge — no one notices them unless they are not there. They are indispensable, mostly in so far as they selflessly serve others. The role of a father is not glamorous. And his value is easily overlooked, until the day he is […]