The real scandal: According observer status to the world’s most powerful leader

The real scandal: According observer status to the world’s most powerful leader

Sol W. Sanders   One of the more bizarre aspects of the current deluge of Washington scandals is that their very numbers permit President Barack Obama to finesse and continue to play a role as No. 1 observer and chief political fundraiser. The almost weekly additions to news of the administration’s dereliction of duty and […]

Not so superpowerful: Obama, Xi talk but the days of grand summits are past

Not so superpowerful: Obama, Xi talk but the days of grand summits are past

Sol W. Sanders   There was less than met the eye at the two-day summit of China’s Xi Jinping and President Barack Obama. Neither party was in a position to tackle the growing list plaguing the relationship between the superpower and the superpower-wannabe. That might or might not have been a product of their particular […]

Oklahoma survivors remind U.S. of its founding spirit, now banished in D.C.’s ‘golden ghettoes’

Oklahoma survivors remind U.S. of its founding spirit, now banished in D.C.’s ‘golden ghettoes’

Sol W. Sanders   A couple of decades ago when that temple of conspicuous consumption, Neiman Marcus, opened another store in metropolitan Washington, my old friend and astute political observer, the late Nat McKitterick, warned me we were lost. For it was about that time when “a political class” was becoming apparent in the nation’s […]

Woe is not us: From one new energy revolution (shale gas) to another (fire ice)

Woe is not us: From one new energy revolution (shale gas) to another (fire ice)

Sol W. Sanders   As the shale gas revolution begins to ripple through, reordering the world economy, another fossil fuel revolution is in the offing which will again torpedo most conventional wisdom concerning energy. So-called “peak oil”, the end of petroleum exhausted by expanding consumption and diminishing discoveries, the love story of environmental fanatics, has […]

Political thugocracy at the top: Several special prosecutors should be appointed

Political thugocracy at the top: Several special prosecutors should be appointed

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama is facing a perfect storm of scandals, cover-ups and criminality that threatens to sweep him from power. This week marks the 40th anniversary of the first Watergate hearings. They eventually brought down President Nixon, forcing him to resign. Mr. Obama is the liberal Nixon — a corrupt chief executive, who […]

Creative diplomacy needed as conflict in Syria threatens its neighbors

Creative diplomacy needed as conflict in Syria threatens its neighbors

John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Decrying a rising death toll and an escalation of violence, the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly called yet again for progress towards a political transition to defuse Syria’s civil war, now in its third year. Though the resolution strongly condemns the Syrian government of Bashar Assad for its increased use […]

Incompetence? Not such a big deal to the Ruling Class

Incompetence? Not such a big deal to the Ruling Class

Wesley Pruden There’s an immeasurably deep cleavage between left and right in America, illustrated vividly in the way Americans regard the Benghazi scandal and outrage. It’s in the DNA. Democrats generally and liberals in particular can’t understand what the noise from Benghazi is about, though they’re willing to concede that the deaths of the American […]

Benghazi: The honor of the American military is hanging in the balance

Benghazi: The honor of the American military is hanging in the balance

Sol W. Sanders   Despite the distractions of a continuing unemployment crisis and the media’s concentration on stories of human depravity, the scandal of the death of four Americans including an ambassador in Benghazi — “a long time ago” according to the administration’s spokesman — will not be put down. Three sets of issues follow […]

Benghazi: Americans died for the re-election of the president

Benghazi: Americans died for the re-election of the president

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama is presiding over an administration that has engaged in the systematic abuse of power. This is the real meaning of the Benghazi tragedy. State Department whistleblowers testified Wednesday at a House hearing about the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2012, in Libya, which resulted in the killing of four Americans […]

Bamboozled: Getting to the foggy bottom of Benghazi

Bamboozled: Getting to the foggy bottom of Benghazi

John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Speaking before delegates at last Autumn’s General Assembly, President Barack Obama eloquently stated “I would like to begin today by telling you about an American named Chris Stevens.” The President passionately described the unfailing commitment, selfless sacrifice and sense of duty of the fallen Ambassador Chris Stevens who along […]