‘Brain-dead’ on energy: Australia called ‘international laughing stock’

‘Brain-dead’ on energy: Australia called  ‘international laughing stock’

by WorldTribune Staff, June 15, 2022 Australia, a country rich in energy resources such as uranium, has descended into a third world nation on the energy front due to leadership’s refusal to take advantage of those resources as they devote themselves to the woke climate emergency movement, an Australian TV anchor noted. Government officials are […]

Another showdown in the South Pacific, 80 years on

Another showdown in the South Pacific, 80 years on

Special to WorldTribune.com By Donald Kirk The South Pacific is again a battleground. China is not nearly at the stage of taking over any of the 15 islands stretching across the region of Oceania, but it’s definitely disturbing the foes of Chinese expansionism. This week, China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, is touching down on eight […]

This is Australia? Woman in Covid internment camp threatened with fine for crossing yellow line

This is Australia? Woman in Covid internment camp threatened with fine for crossing yellow line

by WorldTribune Staff, December 3, 2021 A woman who has never tested positive for the virus was forced into a camp for being a contact of someone who did. In a surreal video, camp overseers threaten her with a $5,000 fine for stepping over a yellow line painted on the porch of her holding facility. […]

Taliban war booty exceeds military spending of Germany, Japan, South Korea, Australia

Taliban war booty exceeds military spending of Germany, Japan, South Korea, Australia

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler When the Taliban forces overran Afghanistan a few months ago, not only did they capture a country continuously in conflict since the initial Soviet invasion in 1979, but they equally seized huge stockpiles of American supplied weapons provided to the defeated Afghan military. The unexplained and reckless U.S. […]

Member of parliament encourages Australians to break the law, defy Covid tyranny

Member of parliament encourages Australians to break the law, defy Covid tyranny

by WorldTribune Staff, November 25, 2021 Australian state premiers are “racing down” the path of totalitarianism “trying to out-tyrant each other, drunk on power, setting up their own bio-security police states complete with medical apartheid,” parliament member George Christensen said as he encouraged citizens of Australia to defy Covid tyranny. Christensen’s address to parliament came […]

Australian indigenous elder dies 6 days after getting Covid jab on TV

Australian indigenous elder dies 6 days after getting Covid jab on TV

by WorldTribune Staff, October 1, 2021 Bevan Costello, a 65-year-old tribal elder in Australia, died six days after getting the Covid vaccination in an event that was televised. Known as Uncle Bevan in the Wakka Wakka tribal community, Costello received his second Pfizer mRNA injection on or around Sept. 9 at a televised local pop-up […]

The 2021 Jab Cup: Vax comic relief out of Australia during dark times

The 2021 Jab Cup: Vax comic relief out of Australia during dark times

by WorldTribune Staff, September 28, 2021 As videos of Australian vaccine gestapo pursuing, beating, and hauling away citizens emerge on a daily basis, a bit of comedy relief was posted in the calling of the 2021 Jab Cup horse racing derby “live from the laughingstock of the world Melbourne, Australia.” INFORMATION WORLD WAR: How We […]

Trump to Sky News: Fauci failed to brief him on Wuhan; Security at lab beefed up on Sept. 12, 2019

Trump to Sky News: Fauci failed to brief him on Wuhan; Security at lab beefed up on Sept. 12, 2019

by WorldTribune Staff, September 21, 2021 In a new documentary, President Donald Trump said his top medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci did not reveal what he knew about research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In the Sky News Australia documentary “What Really Happened in Wuhan“, Sharri Markson also reported that she uncovered evidence that […]

What is AUKUS and why are the Chinese, the North Koreans and the French all so upset?

What is AUKUS and why are the Chinese, the North Koreans and the French all so upset?

Special to WorldTribune.com By Donald Kirk The acronym AUKUS, when you try to pronounce it, sounds like some weird wild animal, an AUKUS. The initials stand for Australia, U.K., U.S., but to the North Koreans and their Chinese masters,they might as well spell the exotic name of one of those strange beasts that only inhabits […]