Bring back the Redskins: Native American group seeks return of name Soros-backed group helped erase

by WorldTribune Staff, September 14, 2023

There is a new uprising from the other side in the war on Native American sports nicknames.

While it was the George Soros-backed National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) that ultimately forced the D.C. NFL franchise to give up its 90-year-old nickname, Redskins, in favor of the Commanders, a group called the Native American Guardians Association (NAGA) has officially launched a campaign to convince the Commanders to go back to being named the Redskins.

NAGA founder Eunice Davidson sent a letter to the owners and executives of the Washington Commanders “Formally requesting the team revitalize its relationship with the American Indian community and rightfully change their name back to ‘The Redskins.’ ”

Davidson, a Dakota Sioux and president of NAGA, blasted NCAI’s activism, saying, “This whole group is out there banning names and images. That’s how you erase a culture. You forget about people if you don’t see them after a while.”

NAGA reported last month that its petition titled “Change The Washington Commanders back to The Washington Redskins” has already surpassed the 100,000 signature mark with the next milestone for the group being 150,000 signatures.

NAGA adviser and Kiowa Tribe member Billy Dieckman told Fox News: “Our fight is to reinstate this because it was taken away without consulting us, without any of our approval.”

Dieckman added: “The imagery that you see (on the Redskins helmet) is that of Chief Two Guns White Calf. That’s a real person. There’s a lot of times they say you need to get rid of your mascot. We don’t have a mascot. That’s a real person that was gifted to the Redskins in the NFL by the Blackfoot tribe as a forever gift. That’s one of the greatest warriors of all time.”

The NCAI, meanwhile, bills itself “the oldest, largest, and most representative national organization sharing the unified voice of hundreds of Tribal Nations representing millions of Native people.” It adds that “unsanctioned sports mascots are symbols of disrespect that degrade, mock and harm Native people, particularly Native youth.”

One the organization’s top sources of funding is Soros’s Open Society Foundations, a radical left-wing group that promotes racial division, and anti-American policies, Fox News Digital reported last week.

But Soros is not the only far-left group funding NCAI.

According to, it also receives grants from leftist foundations like the Ford Foundation and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. It has also received $26 million from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.

The group, whose main purpose is to eliminate American and Native American history, is also funded by U.S. tax dollars. The NCAI “has tracked the retirement of more than 200 unsanctioned Native ‘themed’ mascots since 2019, and has supported legislation banning the use of these mascots in multiple states,” the group told Fox News Digital.

On its website, the NCAI lists support from the Departments of Agriculture, Defense, Health and Human Services, the Interior, Justice, and the EPA and Small Business Administration.

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