Special to WorldTribune.com
The mystery of what goes through President Barak Obama’s mind continues to grow apace.
The theme of his latest press conference, before he took off for a Hawaii vacation stopping enroute to console victims of San Bernardino whom he has largely ignored, was delusional. That’s a fierce adjective, and a frightening one, to throw at the president of the United States.
But Obama boasted that “[S]ince taking this office, I’ve never been more optimistic about a year ahead than I am right now.”
It is customary for politicians, even those at the highest echelons, to trim the facts. But Obama’s exposition of the current national and international is phenomenal.
He claims a record of creating jobs through his seven years in office. To what extent Obama Administration’s policies has contributed to the current slow recovery is at least debatable. But his presentation of unemployment which has undergone Labor Department “creative accounting” is phenomenal.
All of us know through personal encounters the vast numbers of people who have withdrawn from the labor market because there are no jobs. The rate of growth of jobs, of course, is a misnomer because of the depth of the financial crisis of 2007-08 and they had no place to go but up.
His claims for Obamacare are equally bogus. One can point to figures for those now required to adhere to health insurance or face penalties. But what about the tens of thousands of employers who are limiting employment in order not to be forced into the law.
And, of course, there are the hundreds of thousands who have seen their former insurance plans canceled. It is also a moot point whether the growth rate in medical costs – as much a function of growing and expensive technology as the inflation – have decreased for reasons of public policy. Far more important, alas! has been the individual health care recipient’s need to cut back on expenses, even health care.
On the question of climate change, Obama continues to muddy the waters by refusing to acknowledge that there are two very complicated arguments. One is of course the possibility as has happened through the ages, that the climate is changing. The other, much more debatable, is the extent to which human activity is significantly affecting that change.
As an example of the shallowness of many of his partisans’ arguments is the enormous amount of vapors thrown into the atmosphere by 1500 active volcanoes. The Paris meeting he boasts of did have some 200 nations signing on to a recognition of climate change, but the fundamental thrust of American policy, that is, to get everyone to cut down on emissions, went a-glimmering.
The President continues to insist that he has an agreement with Iran to halt its production of weapons of mass destruction, especially nuclear bombs.
Repeatedly, various elements of the Iranian regime have stated publicly there is no agreement. And at the very moment he was making the claim again, the UN Atomic Energy Commission which had tried unsuccessfully to ride herd on the Tehran mullahs, admitted it had failed to detect earlier movement toward weaponry.
Obama spoke, too, just after the mullahs have tested their intercontinental ballistic missiles, capable if perfected of carrying weapons to the U.S., one of the prohibitions in the supposed “deal” with the mullahs.
Obama crowed over a compromise he made with the Congress to permit oil exports after four decades of laws forbidding them. To get this past his veto pen, in order to create thousands of new jobs and return Washington’s political as well as economic clout in world energy markets, Congressional Republics had to agree to new billions poured into subsidies for so-called green energies. Yes, that too, creates jobs but at what cost while the national debt continues to skyrocket!
No, Mr. President, your transformation may be a success in your own mind but at the cost of squeezing the taxpayer yet again and imperiling the whole economy.
Sol W. Sanders, (solsanders@cox.net), is a contributing editor for WorldTribune.com and Geostrategy-Direct.com
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