Much worse than Watergate: Americans need a fullscale investigation of Benghazi

Much worse than Watergate: Americans need a fullscale investigation of Benghazi

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Benghazi may turn out to be President Obama’s Watergate. The scandal is a growing cancer on the administration, threatening its very existence. The more information comes out, the more damning it is. This is why Democrats — and their media allies — are desperately trying to sweep the truth under the rug. […]

Running out the clock on Benghazi

Running out the clock on Benghazi

Wesley Pruden There’s no mystery about why Hillary Clinton spends so much time on airplanes to dreary places that everybody else avoids like the plague (or the stomach flu). The climate anywhere is better than in the comfortable ineptitude of Foggy Bottom. The report of an independent panel inquiring into what happened in Benghazi, and […]

No worries: Soft words and lots of them

No worries: Soft words and lots of them

Wesley Pruden Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama are men trapped in pickles. As the prime minister, Bibi’s first duty is to assure the survival of Israel. Against the prospect of another Holocaust, nothing else matters. Barack Obama’s pickle is a whopper made of his own bungling, and his stiffing the Israelis is part of that […]

Grounds for American optimism in times that require courage

Grounds for American optimism in times that require courage

Sol W. Sanders   [See Archive] “A policy of strategic ambiguity” is a striped-pants way of saying “keep your opponent guessing”. It can also be a Foggy Bottom euphemism for lack of policy or not knowing what to do in a difficult situation. It has the advantage of keeping your opponent off balance, never quite […]