Kuhner: Obamatrade would destroy America

Kuhner: Obamatrade would destroy America

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama is on the verge of creating the New World Order. He is using Trade Promotion Authority — otherwise known as “fast track” — to pass his globalist dream: the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a sweeping 12-nation trade pact. The TPP, however, is much more than about “free trade.” It is a deliberate […]

Boston’s radical Islam problem and the media elites that dare not speak its name

Boston’s radical Islam problem and the media elites that dare not speak its name

Jeffrey T. Kuhner The Greater Boston area has become a safe haven for Islamic terrorists. Muslim extremism has taken root in fertile soil, spreading through an elaborate network of radicalized mosques and Islamic cultural centers. The result is a clear and present danger to public safety. The state’s elites, however, have deliberately turned a blind […]

Justice in Boston exposes an outraged Left for all the world to see

Justice in Boston exposes an outraged Left for all the world to see

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Justice was served. On Friday, a jury sentenced Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to death. After diligently and meticulously examining the evidence, all 12 jurors came to the same conclusion: The Muslim terrorist deserves the ultimate punishment. Yet, for Massachusetts’ liberal elites the sentence is a mark of shame — even scandal. […]

Obama is reversing Reagan’s Cold War victory, inviting new hot wars

Obama is reversing Reagan’s Cold War victory, inviting new hot wars

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama is on the verge of an historic triumph. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the American Left has been bitter about America’s victory in the Cold War. For decades, they preached moral equivalence between the United States and the Soviet Union. In their view, America was to blame for […]

GREATEST HITS 2013: Much worse than Watergate: Americans need a fullscale investigation of Benghazi

GREATEST HITS 2013: Much worse than Watergate: Americans need a fullscale investigation of Benghazi

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Originally published May 5, 2013 Benghazi may turn out to be President Obama’s Watergate. The scandal is a growing cancer on the administration, threatening its very existence. The more information comes out, the more damning it is. This is why Democrats — and their media allies — are desperately trying to sweep […]

Fearful moment of truth for Ukrainians and Putin: Soviet-style tyranny or freedom?

Fearful moment of truth for Ukrainians and Putin: Soviet-style tyranny or freedom?

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Who lost Ukraine? This is the question many Western policymakers are asking following recent dramatic events in the former Soviet republic. The country’s pro-Kremlin leader, President Viktor Yanukovych, is on the verge of permanently consigning Ukraine to Russia’s sphere of influence. This would be a major victory for Russian strongman Vladimir Putin […]

Taxation without representation: Boston’s indexed gas tax sparks a blue state revolt

Taxation without representation: Boston’s indexed gas tax sparks a blue state revolt

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Massachusetts is becoming ground zero for a populist tax revolt. This deep blue state is finally witnessing resistance from its besieged, hard-working taxpayers. And the commonwealth’s venal Democratic establishment — along with ultra-liberal Gov. Deval Patrick — are lashing out in fury. Patrick has presidential ambitions in 2016, viewing himself as the […]

Obama’s Munich: Diplomacy paving the road to war

Obama’s Munich: Diplomacy paving the road to war

Jeffrey T. Kuhner History is repeating itself. The recent interim nuclear deal signed by the United States and other major powers with Iran in Geneva paves the way for war. President Obama is the new Neville Chamberlain, the British prime minister who boasted of creating “peace in our time” after signing an agreement with Nazi […]

Was Obama’s re-election legitimate?

Was Obama’s re-election legitimate?

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Did President Obama win re-election on false terms? This is the question that must be answered in the wake of a recent bombshell story in the New York Post. The Post’s John Crudele revealed that in the final months prior to the 2012 presidential election the U.S. Census Bureau released fabricated data. […]

A low-life, pop culture smear against the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing

A low-life, pop culture smear against the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Bill Maher is a national disgrace. Yet, even by his own low standards, the leftist TV comedian has gone beyond the pale. He recently did the unthinkable: mock the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings. His latest comments deserve not only to be condemned, but should compel HBO to finally drop his […]