Sol W. Sanders Originally published Oct. 28, 2013 The U.S. is transfixed by the Obama administration’s massively bungled attempt to nationalize one sixth of the economy, the health welfare system. But the rest of the world watches the slow motion unfolding of another debacle: the loss of post-World War II American leadership of the […]
Special to Originally published Feb. 3, 2013 WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is said to have been quietly recruiting Muslims to serve as U.S. diplomats. Judicial Watch said the Obama administration was hiring Muslims at the State Department. The fiscal watchdog said the recruitment was part of the administration’s outreach to Muslims to work […]
Special to Originally published June 7, 2013 By Grace Vuoto Radio talk-show host Michael Savage is furious, calling for “someone to go to prison” for the tragedy that occurred Aug. 6, 2011 in Afghanistan. A Chinook helicopter carrying 30 American service members, including a contingent of elite SEALs was shot down in suspicious circumstances. […]
Special to Originally published June 30, 2013 WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama has launched a drive for a U.S. alliance with the ruling Muslim Brotherhood movement in Egypt, a leading analyst said. Analyst Barry Rubin asserted that Obama has formed a U.S. strategic alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and other countries. Rubin, […]
Jeffrey T. Kuhner Originally published May 5, 2013 Benghazi may turn out to be President Obama’s Watergate. The scandal is a growing cancer on the administration, threatening its very existence. The more information comes out, the more damning it is. This is why Democrats — and their media allies — are desperately trying to sweep […]
Special to Originally published Feb. 18, 2013 Global Information System / Defense & Foreign Affairs All intelligence indicators received and processed by GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs show that the nuclear weapon tested by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) on Feb. 12, was paid for, and intended for, the Islamic Republic of […]
Special to Originally published Feb. 4, 2013 CAIRO — The Egyptian Army has disobeyed orders by President Mohammed Morsi to employ live fire against civilian rioters. Western diplomatic sources said senior Army commanders have ordered their troops not to open fire on civilians amid the nationwide unrest in Egypt. They said this violated a […]
Special to Originally published April 9, 2013 ABU DHABI — Kuwait has reported the theft of a massive amount of U.S. weapons. The Interior Ministry said thieves broke into a warehouse and stole a huge amount of firearms and ammunition. The ministry said 20,000 U.S.-origin M-16 assault rifles and 15,000 rounds for 9mm pistols […]
Sol W. Sanders Whether Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan survives the current crisis, the legend of “The Turkish model” is dead. The implications of the loss of Turkey’s image abroad, particularly in the Islamic world, may be far more important than the explosion of corruption scandals which always cynical Turkish voters may take in […]
Special to South Korea on Dec. 8 announced the extension of its air defense identification zone [KADIZ] to cover the Ieodo rock that was under the Chinese ADIZ coverage and disputed by the two countries. China’s Nov. 23 announcement of the establishment of an ADIZ was deemed “unacceptable” to South Korea. President Park […]