A monumental election halts globalism worldwide

A monumental election halts globalism worldwide

FPI / November 13, 2024 Geostrategy-Direct Excerpts from a Nov. 12 analysis by Gregory R. Copley for GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs What has been “a global civil war” between globalist and nationalist elements of societies reached a major tipping point with the overwhelming nature of the electoral wins in the United States by Republican Party […]

Iran attack appears to have been coordinated-leaked among all nations concerned

Iran attack appears to have been coordinated-leaked among all nations concerned

by WorldTribune Staff, April 15, 2024 Of Iran’s more than 300 drones and missiles launched in Saturday’s attack on Israel, 99 percent were intercepted by Israeli and U.S. forces. They were able to crush Iran’s attack in large part “because Arab countries quietly passed along intelligence about Teheran’s attack plans, opened their airspace to warplanes, […]

Unreported: Russia’s geostrategic breakthrough in the ‘Great Game’

Unreported: Russia’s geostrategic breakthrough in the ‘Great Game’

Special to WorldTribune.com Analysis by Gregory R. Copley, Editor, GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs, June 16, 2023 Russia appears to have finally won secure access to the warm waters of the Indian Ocean, the goal it has pursued vigorously since the 17th Century: the old Great Game may be over, and the new begun. Russia’s inchoate, […]

Iran on the brink? Demonstrations and their suppression much worse than those that toppled the Shah

Iran on the brink? Demonstrations and their suppression much worse than those that toppled the Shah

Special to WorldTribune.com Analysis by Gregory R. Copley, Editor, GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs, September 26, 2022 Most of Iran’s 36 provinces saw mass demonstrations in September 2022 against the clerical Government of the Islamic Republic, and, as with earlier periodic waves of demonstrations, each occurrence prompts the question: Is this the outburst which topples the […]

Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II marked Putin’s sudden turning point

Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II marked Putin’s sudden turning point

Special to WorldTribune.com Analysis by Gregory R. Copley, Editor, GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs, Sept. 22, 2022 Russian President Vladimir Putin finally abandoned hope only in mid-September 2022 that he could re-build a bridge to the West. With that realization, he committed Russia into the new anti-Western pact. The turning point was the signal Putin received from the United Kingdom […]

Meanwhile at Number 10: Britain’s new post-Brexit PM charts a revolutionary course

Meanwhile at Number 10: Britain’s new post-Brexit PM charts a revolutionary course

FPI / September 21, 2022 Geostrategy-Direct With the global media fixated on the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, Great Britain was simultaneously coming under a new prime minister committed to fundamental policy transformation. In one of her first acts as UK Prime Minister, Liz Truss and her new Conservative Party government opened the exploitation of […]

Xi Jinping battles for credibility ahead of 20th Communist Party congress

Xi Jinping battles for credibility ahead of 20th Communist Party congress

Special to WorldTribune.com Analysis by Gregory R. Copley, Editor, GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs, August 5, 2022 Communist Party of China (CPC) General Secretary Xi Jinping’s internal civil war against his party rivals in the build-up to the XXth CPC National Congress — now likely to occur in November 2022 — took on new dimensions with […]

Post-Reagan U.S. policy toward Russia seen benefiting China

Post-Reagan U.S. policy toward Russia seen benefiting China

FPI / February 23, 2022 Geostrategy-Direct Analysis by Gregory R. Copley, Editor, GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs Why did the U.S. Joe Biden Administration choose this time to cause Russian President Vladimir Putin to trigger recognition of the sovereignty of two small regions in the south-east of Ukraine? That President Putin acted at this time, and […]

Clueless about ‘Total War’: When old soldiers refuse to just fade away

Clueless about ‘Total War’: When old soldiers refuse to just fade away

FPI / June 26, 2020 Geostrategy-Direct.com Excerpted from analysis by Gregory R. Copley, Editor, GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs The arrival of the Trump administration following the November 2016 elections saw many “old hands” sense opportunity. They saw an “outsider in the White House”, crude and unlettered in the ways of Washington. They could help him, […]

To an exiled patriot, too long from home: Goodbye

To an exiled patriot, too long from home: Goodbye

Special to WorldTribune.com By Gregory R. Copley, Editor, GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs [Editors’ Note: Dr. Assad Homayoun, former Minister for Political Affairs at the Iran embassy in Washington, was an early WorldTribune.com Advisory Board Member and Contributing Editor. A passionately pro-U.S. patriot of Iran, he provided expert analysis and information on developments in Iran both […]

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