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Thursday, July 7, 2011     FOR YOUR EYES ONLY

Cooking gas usually smuggled to Gaza winding up in Libya

GAZA CITY — The Gaza Strip might face a shortage of natural gas.


The British human rights group Oxfam said the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip faces a cooking gas shortage in mid-2011.

Oxfam said the gas that had long been smuggled from neighboring Egypt was being diverted to war-torn Libya.

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"The ongoing shortages of cooking gas in Gaza may soon have a much larger impact in the coming weeks as a huge bottleneck of cooking gas cylinders lie waiting to be refilled and benzine imported from Egypt through the tunnels is being sold to Libya," Oxfam said in a report on July 3.

Oxfam said a broken fuel pump in Israel could be the main cause of the cooking gas shortage. The group said the pump was repaired but supplies from Israel have still dropped by 40 percent.

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