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Sunday, July 10, 2011     INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING

U.S. trains Iraq Army, police in coordinating
intel investigations

BAGHDAD — Officials said the Iraq Army and police are undergoing an effort to improve coordination and cooperation. They said the two Iraqi forces were being trained by the U.S. military to work together in the field of intelligence and investigations.


"This training allows the ISF [Iraqi security forces] to draw direct comparisons between evidence and a suspect," U.S. adviser Robert Wirkner said.

Until 2010, the military and police were developed in separate programs by the Defense Ministry and Interior Ministry, respectively. But officials said the government of Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki determined that the two forces must cooperate in such areas as counter-insurgency and border security, Middle East Newsline reported.

Also In This Edition

The U.S. military has been training both the Iraqi Army and police to work in joint investigations. Officials said a key effort was to set common standards that could facilitate the collection of evidence at crime scenes, particularly in the wake of suicide bombings.

"The investigative training is breaking new ground by training both the IA [Iraq Army] and IP [Iraq police] at the same time," the U.S. military said. "The hope is that the officers involved will help facilitate a stronger working relationship between the two forces which, in the past, have seldom had the opportunity to combine their skill sets and share gathered intelligence."

One course has been conducted at the Joint Security Station Deason in Iraq. An investigating training team has been working with the 2nd Iraq police and 17th Iraq Army divisions since January to train two officers each from the army and police.

"This helps the investigator narrow down their search and leads to a more successful prosecution," Wirkner, assigned to the U.S. Army's 1st Division, said.

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