Meals, toilets, and Marx: The life and times of UC Davis occupiers

Meals, toilets, and Marx: The life and times of UC Davis occupiers

Special to Based on an article by Cliff Kincaid for Accuracy in Media A campus conservative at UC Davis was so disgusted by slanted coverage of the Occupy movement that he reached out to Fox News and provided the channel a video showing police officers being surrounded by protesters after dismantling an illegal tent […]

How the media obediently followed script on the ‘peaceful protest’ at UC Davis

How the media obediently followed script on the ‘peaceful protest’ at UC Davis

Special to Based on an article by Cliff Kincaid for Accuracy in Media Rather than being victims of police brutality, a new video shows that Occupiers at UC Davis knew they were going to be pepper sprayed and didn’t mind it. Indeed, the new video evidence indicates that the entire confrontation with the police […]