World pulled off the air on its biggest news day ever

Editors’ Note: The following story received the most pageviews on a single day of any WorldTribune article thanks to a link from

Friday, October 13, 2000

Little did we suspect, when we began publishing World two years ago, that on the biggest news day of its short life, our web host would take us off the air.

Well such is the price of success in cyberspace. Conspiracy? Well at best it was no way to run a business. We won’t say more at this stage.

Shortly after sending out our daily e-mail headline alerts, our Jerusalem associates with Middle East Newsline came through with the story which we headlined: “Israel strikes, Palestinian Authority declares war.” We checked and saw that the wires were not yet out with the story. almost immediately posted our story on one of our biggest news days ever. Within two hours, our web host called and informed us they could not handle the traffic and that they had closed us down permanently.

It took us all day to recover lost files some of which had been deleted by our web host in their rush to take us off the air. We are not all the way back yet.

Please bear with us and please send out the word to your friends and associates that WorldTrib is not ready to quit anytime soon. Our e-mail headline alerts will begin again just as soon as we recover the addresses and establish a new system.

Thank you and may God bless!

The Editors

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